Charlotte Child Custody Lawyer

Charlotte Child Custody Attorney

Navigating a legal matter that involves your family can be complex, frustrating, and overwhelming. There are often many emotions involved, and it can be difficult to make clear decisions about what you should do. This is why it can be helpful to have a Charlotte child custody lawyer on your side. When it comes to your children, each decision is of the utmost importance. If your case extends beyond custody, a compassionate Charlotte family law attorney can offer comprehensive guidance.

Best Waxhaw Child Custody Lawyer

What Is Child Custody?

Child custody refers to the rights that a parent or even a close family member may retain to a child. There are many details that are decided during a child custody case. This could include things like where the child will physically live and which parents or guardians will have legal responsibilities for making decisions concerning the child.

Child custody cases can be long and overwhelming because they require many details to be sorted out. These details are some of the most important in a divorce case, and they can have serious implications. It is highly recommended that you secure legal guidance and counsel as you walk through this process. This ensures you have a quality legal professional on your side who can help you make difficult decisions regarding your child and spouse.

Custody Decisions

The main issues that must be decided when determining custody include where the child will live and who will be responsible for making the legal decisions.

Physical custody refers to how, when, and where the child will be physically cared for. In some cases, a parent may be granted full custody. This means that the child will live with that parent full time, and the other parent retains no physical rights to the child. In other cases, both parents may be granted partial custody. This means they both are able to have physical interactions with the child and care for them at scheduled times.

Legal custody can also be granted to one parent completely, or it may be shared.

A mediation program or a court judge can help parents come to a decision regarding both legal custody and physical custody.

Child Support

In North Carolina, there are guidelines set in place specifically to help ensure each parent is actively contributing towards the needs of their child. Child support is not only for situations where one parent has primary custody but can also be applicable to parents who share custody.

When determining child support, the gross income of each parent will be taken into consideration. The amount of custodial time each parent has will also help determine child support requirements.

How a Child Custody Lawyer Can Help

Going through a divorce or separation can be difficult enough. It can cause serious emotional, mental, and physical stress. Once you add the legal considerations, it can become overwhelming for any one person to handle on their own. Lawyers can help you carry much of the legal burden that comes with child custody and other legal decisions affecting your family.

A lawyer can also help you know what steps to take in each part of the process to get the outcome you desire. Rather than trying to figure it all out yourself, you can ask questions and share your needs with someone who is knowledgeable and experienced in the situation you are in.


Q: How Much Does Child Custody Court Cost in North Carolina?

A: There is no standard cost for each child custody case in North Carolina. There are many factors that can influence the cost of each case, including the time it takes to gather evidence and build a strong case. There are also certain fees that must be paid in addition to the costs associated with a lawyer.

Q: Do I Need a Lawyer for Child Custody in North Carolina?

A: It is not required to have a lawyer if you are working through a child custody case in North Carolina. However, these types of cases can often be difficult to handle on your own. It is oftentimes helpful to have an experienced lawyer in your corner who can help you understand the process and walk through it with you. The average person is not always knowledgeable and equipped to handle lengthy legal cases like a lawyer is.

Q: Do You Have to Pay Child Support If You Have 50/50 Custody in North Carolina?

A: Parents who have a 50/50 child custody arrangement in North Carolina can still be required to pay child support.

Child Custody Attorney in Charlotte, NC

Child custody cases can be some of the most stressful types of family legal cases. There can be a lot of emotions involved and potential conflict between family members. Navigating the complexities of these cases is much easier with experienced legal support on your side.

At Lehnhardt Price Family Law, we are passionate about assisting families during some of their most difficult times. We understand the emotional and legal complexities that are included in divorce cases, especially when children are involved. Please know that you do not have to walk this road alone. We have years of experience in handling cases such as these. Reach out today to learn more about how we can help.

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