Monroe Child Custody Lawyer

Monroe Child Custody/Visitation Attorney

If you are going through a divorce and have children, one of the major focuses of your case will be child custody negotiations. Although these negotiations can be emotionally difficult, they are important to the ongoing health and structure of your family.

Your custody agreement will affect all aspects of your new life. It is important that you consider your children’s needs, your own schedule, and your ongoing relationship with your children when you form an opinion about what child custody should look like for your family. With the help of a family law attorney, you can build a case for the court that achieves the best custody agreement possible.

The family law lawyers at Lehnhardt Price Family Law are here to help you with any family law issue that you may encounter. Our team can offer expert legal advice throughout your divorce, child custody negotiations, and more.

Lehnhardt Price Family Law: Your Monroe Child Custody Law Firm

When it comes to Monroe divorce, child custody, child support, and spousal support negotiations, our family law attorneys lead the area. We have the resources, expertise, and background to create a healthy and balanced child custody arrangement for your family. We will listen closely to your needs and help you determine what setup is best.

We fight tenaciously for our clients to ensure the best possible outcome in all cases. We are here to advocate for you and your children and to ensure that your child’s other parent does not make unfounded or misleading claims about you in court. With our team by your side, you are protected and prepared for every court hearing in Monroe, NC.

What Is Child Custody?

Child custody arrangements occur when the parents of a child live separately. Often, this happens after divorce, but it can also happen after a child’s birth if the parents are not romantically involved or when a noncustodial parent wishes to gain custody. The arrangements determine which parent will care for the child, when this will occur, and the extent of the parent’s rights in relation to their child.

Child custody is split into two major categories: physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody is the most commonly understood area, encompassing the time that a parent spends housing, clothing, feeding, and caring for their child.

Legal custody is different. Legal custody dictates a parent’s ability to make major decisions for the child, especially those involving legal matters and healthcare. It is possible for a parent to have physical custody without legal custody, have legal custody without physical custody (although it is rare), neither physical nor legal custody, or both physical and legal custody.

Custody Arrangements

Custody arrangements differ from household to household, but the court usually mandates one of the following arrangements:

  • Full custody, which means one parent has custody of the children 100% of the time, and the other parent has no legal right to see or care for the children.
  • Partial custody, in which one parent has most of the custody while the other parent has custody rights a minority of the time.
  • Visitation, which involves one parent having custody for most of the time, while the other parent has the right to visit with or spend time with the children for a certain number of hours per month.
  • Shared custody, in which both parents have equal custody of the children.

It is important to understand the different types of custody arrangements so that you can opt for the best one for your family.

FAQs About Monroe, NC Child Custody Law

What Do Judges Look for in Child Custody Cases in North Carolina?

The law’s top priority is child safety and wellbeing. All other factors, including parental preferences, are secondary. The judge will assess:

  • Each parent’s relationship to the child.
  • Parental income.
  • Housing situations.
  • Each parent’s relationship with drugs and alcohol.
  • The medical needs of the child.
  • The medical needs of each parent.
  • The child’s preference, if the child is old enough to make an informed choice.

Your attorney will demonstrate some of these factors to the court to build your case.

How Much Does a Child Custody Lawyer Cost in North Carolina?

All child custody lawyers charge differently, so it is important to discuss finances with potential attorneys before hiring them. Many attorneys charge by the hour, but hourly rates can vary depending on experience and case history. If you are getting divorced, your divorce attorney may be able to represent you in child custody negotiations if they practice family law and have experience with custody cases. Be sure to discuss your needs with potential attorneys to find the best one for your budget.

How Long Does a Child Custody Case Take in North Carolina?

In cases where parents are seeking permanent custody, the process can take upwards of a year. Many times, the length of a case depends on the court’s schedule and the complexity of the arguments. If both parents are in relative agreement about custody, and there are no outstanding factors, the process will be shorter than if one parent has special circumstances to consider. If you are negotiating child support or divorce at the same time, the process will be extended.

How Do I Start a Custody Case in North Carolina?

You can start a custody case by finding an attorney. Your attorney can help you develop your case and present it to the court and your child’s other parent. If you attempt to do this alone, you will likely face delays and errors. An attorney can advise you on your best course of action and help you begin the process.

Contact Lehnhardt Price Family Law

We are a small, focused team of attorneys who are passionate about achieving the best results for families in North Carolina. If you are facing a child custody case, or any other family law issue, we can help you navigate the process and achieve what is best for you and your family.

For more information about our services, our rates, or how we can help you, contact Lehnhardt Price Family Law online today.

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